Straight Photography!
The Roots of Photography is Snaps!
Back to the roots!
Straight 1718 / Two Canadian artists converge probably in Berlin soon!
For what I understand, two very famous Canadian artists to meet and work together in an exciting project in Berlin soon! And it is during this time we are in Berlin! Fun and exciting to be part of this event!
These artists are not just young people, but it is often after a certain maturity and age as the interesting and exciting in an artistic creation usually comes.
Here are some pictures of the artist couple!
And there is general knowledge for those who want! ;)
And the M4-2 is the camera that saved Leica!
Inlagt 2012-08-06 18:29 |
Läst 2477 ggr. |
men det finns en liten längtan att fota litet med en M Leica igen snart... :)
"Va snackar han om" tänkte jag och mätte, och det stämde! :)
Man märker det bla då man sätter handgreppet på M4-2, greppet går att röra en liten. liten aning i sidled!
Diskret och stilren combo för fotokonstnärer på spaning efter verklighetens brottstycken.
Lycka till!