Straight Photography!

The Roots of Photography is Snaps!
Back to the roots!

Straight 5177 / Filmkorn liksom!

"Various software exist to mimic the generic “look” of scanned film by converting to grayscale and adding random noise to emulate film grain. However, the results are often not convincing, because: real film grain is not random noise real film grain looks dramatically different across different film stocks, real film grain expresses itself differently based on exposure..."

"Real film grain gives us something more than an indexical transposition of the “real”; it feeds the imagination. That’s why, in an age of crystal clean 3200 iso digital capture, I prefer to shoot HP5. And I always push it a stop to 800 iso, just for the enhanced grain, because its a look I simply can’t duplicate even with a dedicated black and white tool like the Monochrom and Silver Efex."

Ok, mera rakt på e den här länken:

Ha en fortsatt bra dag!

Inlagt 2020-10-01 10:15 | Läst 1325 ggr. | Permalink
Tror det är den här länken du ska lägga in. Så kommer man rätt direkt...
Svar från Benganbus 2020-10-01 11:57
Tack för blogghjälp Per! :)

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